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Collections Response

This Module is designed to help you deal with Demand Notices and Court Summons so you can exercise your legal rights and defend yourself.


Collection demand letters need to be answered. They do not go away if you decide to ball them up and throw them out. An unanswered collection letter worsens and prolongs the process. Properly responding to a collection letter is an important step in the debt resolution process. Each letter or notice reveals crucial clues as to the appropriate response required to make your financial reparation as painless as possible.

To facilitate this process, once you become a member you will acquire a local Private Mail Box and have all of your creditor and collections mail forwarded to our Customer Service center for review. If a response is needed to protect your rights, we will email you a response template with the proper wording intended to meet the necessary demand. You in turn, will personalize it with your information for printing, signing and sending to the creditor or collector. We do not represent you on any level as we are not attorneys—we simply have all the necessary "Legal know how" to help you respond accordingly from behind the scenes. Creditors, collectors and attorneys, MUST abide by the consumer laws set in place to protect you, and this is where we, your silent partner shine, so you as the Pro se litigant can win. In other words simply put, you look like you know the laws that are there to protect you and how to use them. This makes us worth our weight in gold...

A collection letter is much like a gauge. It informs you of approximately where you stand in relation to future collection attempts or actions such as summonses, law suits, or garnishments. When we make decisions on the appropriate response to each of your notices we take into consideration a number of things, such as:

  • the length of time between your last payment and the date of the letter
    who sent it

  • did the letter come from the creditor's in-house collection department or
    an attorney in another state

  • a local attorney

  • a third party debt collector

  • a third party debt collector's attorney in another state

  • a third party debt collector's local attorney?

Each factor is critical in determining how to respond.

Our staff is trained to look at all this information so that you are provided with the correct response in each case. With the Collections Response module, you will be provided with the proper letters, forms, and materials to hold off your creditors’ advances, allowing plenty of time to get your total protection in place.

The objective of these services is to frustrate your creditors, to cease collection efforts, and to keep you from ever having to appear in court against a creditor.

Asset Protection | Creditor Deterrence | Telephone Privacy | Collections Response | Credit Restoration

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